Lab Grown Diamonds
Certified Lab-Grown Diamonds From Stuller

This Stunning .70ct VS2 G Diamond was created in a laboratory using a technique called
Chemical Vapor Deposition.
As we all know, diamond is is made of the same substance as coal, namely carbon. What makes it so rare and unique is the fact that is has been formed into a crystalline lattice deep in the Earth’s crust by tremendous amounts of pressure, heat, and time. Since 1955, scientists have been able to mimic these conditions in a labratory to produce labratory-grown diamonds, identical in every way to their natural cousins except in origin. Only within the last few years have lab grown diamonds become competitive to naturals in terms of cost, quality, and size. As the world demand for large, high-quality diamonds increases, lab grown diamonds are poised to become a centerpiece of a stable and sustainable diamond market. That’s why we’re pround to announce that we now offer certified, high quality lab-grown diamonds from Stuller! Friendly to both the planet and your wallet, here are the reasons to consider a lab-grown diamond as opposed to a natural mined one:
-It is a diamond, unlike simulants such as Cubic Zirconia or Moissanite. Lab growns are simply manufactured rather than formed in the Earth’s mantle.They’re optically, visually, and chemically identical to natural stones.
-They’re usually 15% – 30% less expensive than naturals depending on size and quality.

Growing Diamonds in a Laboratory uses about half of the total energy required to mine them – And they do not require any excavation.
-Producing synthetic diamonds is much more ecologically sound than mining naturals. The Mir mine in Russia, for example produced 2,970 Tons of excavated dirt to single carat of diamond (.2 grams), while creating a permanent crater in the earth. Lab grown diamonds produce no waste, and use about half the total energy required to mine diamonds.
-They’re guaranteed to be conflict free, as they don’t need to be sourced from entities funding conflict or unethical labor practices.
-Lastly, and perhaps best of all, the lab grown diamonds we carry from Stuller are included in their lifetime trade in program, which means that As long as you spend any amount over the original purchase, you can trade in for any other Stuller diamond, natural OR synthetic! If you’re unsure about whether you’re comfortable with a lab grown diamond, this Stuller’s guarantee means you have nothing to lose!
For more info, check out our page on Stuller’s Red Box diamond program!