PANTONE recently announced its pick for color of the year, no 15-0343 TCX, Greenery. The color of the year pick reverberates throughout the fashion and design world, influencing the palate choice of many of the products you’ll see this year.Greenery is a vibrant and energetic green, with hints of yellow, connoting images of spring and fresh growth. It’s also a perfect color match to the gemstone Peridot, an uncommon and underappreciated stone. Peridot is the gem quality mineral of the family Olivine, which like diamond forms deep in the Earth’s mantle in timescales of billions of years. Unlike Emerald, Tsavorite, and Chrome Diopside, which all tend to deeper and darker greens, Peridot has verdant olive hue that is sure to catch eyes in whatever piece of jewelry it may be mounted in. Hopefully the color of the year brings some much needed attention to this lively beauty of a stone!
We carry a full inventory of loose colored gemstones of every type, including Peridot. Check out our custom jewelry design portfolio for inspiration!